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Bungalow House Plans, Floor Plans & Designs

Bungalow House Plans, Floor Plans & Designs

If you love the charm of Craftsman house plans and are working with a small lot, a bungalow house plan might be your best bet. Bungalow floor plan designs are typically simple, compact and longer than they are wide. Also, like their Craftsman cousin, bungalow house designs tend to sport cute curb appeal by way of a wide front porch (or stoop) supported by tapered or paired columns and low-slung rooflines. Ideal for small urban or narrow lots, these small home plan designs (or "small-ish") are usually one or one-and-a-half stories, and (generally) budget-friendly. Making the most of their square footage, bungalow house plans typically feature open floor plans with few hallways and rooms arranged for easy accessibility. Plenty of windows lend natural light and make these home plan designs feel bright and airy, while practical built-ins help save space. With floor plans accommodating all kinds of families, our collection of bungalow house plans is sure to make you feel right at home.

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