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Craftsman House Plans, Floor Plans & Designs

Craftsman House Plans, Floor Plans & Designs

Craftsman house plans are one of our most popular house design styles, and it's easy to see why. With natural materials, wide porches, and (often) open-concept layouts, Craftsman home plans feel contemporary and relaxed, with timeless curb appeal. Within this collection, you'll find several versions of Craftsman style house plans, from modest Craftsman bungalow floor plans to grand Shingle style blueprints. Craftsman home plans with 3 bedrooms and 2 or 2 1/2 bathrooms are a very popular configuration, as are 1500 sq ft Craftsman house plans. Modern house plans often borrow elements of Craftsman style homes to create a look that's both new and timeless (see our Modern Craftsman House Plan collection). The Craftsman style is exemplified by the work of two California architect brothers, Charles Sumner Greene and Henry Mather Greene, in Pasadena in the early 20th century, who produced "ultimate bungalows" like the Gamble house of 1908. Now Craftsman homes are found everywhere, from Texas to Washington and beyond.

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