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English Cottage House Plans, Floor Plans & Designs

English Cottage House Plans, Floor Plans & Designs

If whimsy and charm is right up your alley, you're sure to enjoy our collection of English Cottage house plans. While English Cottage home plans are typically small, there's no rule that says they can't be big and elaborate. In fact, you'll discover a variety of sizes in the below collection. What most English Cottage house plans have in common is a sense of fun. Often, the exterior of an English Cottage home will look as if it's just been plucked from a fairy tale. Meanwhile, the interior floor plan often sports oddly shaped rooms, nooks, niches, and crannies. Why? For fun! Another common characteristic of English Cottages is a large, prevailing chimney--either on the front or side of the home. Casement windows and windows with small panes often frame outdoor scenes. Whether you have young children who would delight in living in a storybook cottage or desire a home that looks great in a wilderness setting (or one that simply doesn't look like every other house on the block!), come explore our collection of English Cottage house plans and find a design that's right for you!