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Small House Plans Under 1,000 Sq Ft

Small House Plans Under 1,000 Sq Ft

In this collection you'll discover 1000 sq ft house plans and tiny house plans under 1000 sq ft. A small house plan like this offers homeowners one thing above all else: affordability. While many factors contribute to a home's cost to build, a tiny house plan under 1000 sq ft will almost always cost less to build and maintain than a typical home. This means tiny home owners get to do things with their income/savings other than pay their mortgage. What a concept! Note: while small house plans under 1000 sq. ft. can work as tiny primary residences, these super cute house designs can also be used as auxiliary units. For instance, a tiny house plan under 1000 sq ft could be used to build a workshop, home office, or guest cottage that sits next to the main house (as always, be sure to check local building rules and regulations). Thinking of building a modest vacation retreat? A 1000 square foot house plan or a small house plan under 1000 sq ft can be used to construct one of these as well!

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