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Home Patterns LLC

Home Patterns LLC -

Home Patterns LLC

“At Home Patterns, we’re taking the complication out of creating energy-efficient Craftsman-style home plans and communities. It's an incremental process that homeowners and builders need not be afraid of. Founded in 2001, Home Patterns LLC brings a holistic perspective to the design of homes and communities. Experience working with affordable housing experts to produce inexpensive houses that fit into surrounding bungalow neighborhoods lead us to develop reinvigorated Craftsman style home plans that not only reduce the initial carbon footprints, but also work well in infill construction and newer, small-lot developments. It's a "build green" approach. Home widths are based on 4-foot increments for less waste during construction. Bump outs are kept to a minimum because extra corners are expensive, energy-inefficient, and time consuming to build. Roof lines are simple. Less waste and complication mean savings that can be put into energy-efficient appliances, solar power, and/or insulation. Smaller but well-functioning living spaces mean less energy is needed over the long haul. A smaller footprint means less valuable land is needed. More compact housing encourages walking and mixed-use neighborhoods. This translates into healthier living, more freedom of movement and choice, and less reliance on fossil fuels. These home plan packages allow any builder to construct a first-class energy-efficient and sustainable Craftsman-style home that's comparable in price to a "normal home."
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