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Yamaguchi Martin Architects

Yamaguchi Martin Architects -

Yamaguchi Martin Architects

"We approach a house design with the idea of creating a home that is not too big or too small but right-sized, with long-lasting, environmentally sensitive materials and techniques. A house that fits a personal lifestyle allows the owner to enjoy their home for life." Yamaguchi Martin Architects was established in 2011 and is located in Denver, Colorado, by two founding partners who worked for architectural firms for 14 years. Both partners are architecture graduates of the University of Oregon. We have licenses in Colorado and New York and have completed projects in Colorado, Michigan, and California. We believe that a house can be affordable to build and maintain if the design considers living with "just what we need”. Keeping rooms simple and compact and eliminating wasteful circulation leads to right-sizing of the house. At the same time, each house design has a unique space or quality making the house special and enjoyable. Keeping with that intent, our Construction Documents specify permanent materials which are environmentally sustainable and easy to maintain for years. They also include building techniques which reduce waste of materials and time. Additionally, a super-insulated building envelope with ample south exposure and proper shading allows the house to reduce its reliance on utilities to maintain itself. Our house design principle is; Simple Living with “just what we need,” using sustainable techniques to achieve healthy living, while keeping construction, operation, and maintenance costs to a minimum.