Sustainable builders and architects share their go-to green products and ways of working.
Colorado architects and builders offer insights and experience on building energy-efficient homes.
Joyanna explains why building green makes dollars and sense.
Meet the house plan that won the energy-efficient category in the 2015 HOWIEs.
Options for energy-efficient, panelized, kit-built houses.
The top five ways to go green from a Sustainability expert.
The 5 types of resource-efficient water heaters now available and how they can save you energy, water, and money.
Thanks to a successful public-private partnership to rebuild New Orelans after Hurricane Katrina, the city offers lessons in energy efficient home building.
What you need to know about getting rid of your house's carbon footprint.
What you can learn from so-called Passive House Design -- i.e. houses with very low energy use -- and apply to the building of any home.
How to make going solar a smooth process.
FreeGreen's entire library of energy-efficient plans is now part of the inventory.