Houseplans Blog

Variations on a Plan

Variations on a Plan
Modify a plan to suit your needs and lifestyle.
To paraphrase Shakespeare's Romeo: "How do I customize thee? Let me count the ways!" Well, let's hope he was talking about house plans and not trying to change Juliet! In any case, here's a great example of how just a few tweaks can show some of the many ways that the same basic home design can look quite different, and perhaps more attuned to your own taste and budget.

Plan 48-107 is a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath Traditional design with a central entry and a two-car garage facing the street. As shown above, the central gabled section has a stone face and the rest of the house is clapboard.

Here it is with shingles and an arch over each garage door.

Here it is, below, with gray stone, gray shingles, trellis over the garage, and fixed (not double-hung) dormer windows.

Here it is, again below, with multi-colored stone, yellow shingles, rectangular garage doors, and pop-out window bay beside the front door -- and without the separate gable over the entry.

And here it is yet again, below, with the interior layout switched so the two-car garage is to the left of the front door.

Our Flexahouse Ranch House Plan also shows how different materials change the look, from clapboard to shingles to stucco.

The point is -- it's easy to modify a plan to suit your taste, effectively creating a custom home! Simply click on the Modify This Plan tab on each Plan Detail Page, for example on Plan 48-107, here.

To browse a collection of house plans with different exterior treatments in wood, brick or stone, click here.

Variations on a Plan Inspiration

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