Houseplans Blog

Fireplace Focal Point Floor Plans

Fireplace Focal Point Floor Plans
The cantilevered hearth provides seating and display space. Plan
A welcoming hearth offers physical and psychological warmth.

If you want a fireplace in your new home, where should it be? In the living room/great room or the family room, or both? In the master bedroom? Can you comfortably arrange chairs or a sofa around it? Or consider adding one as part of your customization. Plan 888-3, above offers a long hearth, turning an entire wall of the great room into a focal point.

Plan 51-458 includes a corner fireplace -- allowing two orientations: to the more intimate sitting alcove and 

to the larger living space. The raised fireplace opposite the bed in the master suite of Plan 132-221 

adds romance (above). The luxurious master suite of the 2014 New American Home, shown below,
makes use of a dramatic two-sided gas fireplace by Ortal Heating Solutions -- allowing views between 

the bathing area and the bedroom. Some fireplace inserts burn ethanol and do not require a flue -- such as 

this example from Eco Smart Fire. To see a collection of Plans with Fireplaces click here.

Fireplace Focal Point Floor Plans Inspiration

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