Houseplans Blog

Vacation Homes

Vacation Homes
Discover these vacation home designs.
A vacation home is all about getting away -- from housework as well as office work. Of course it should be in a refreshing location, but also it should offer a  change of pace in the way you live -- be easier to maintain, be more casual, and allow for being outside as much as possible. (This is assuming you're not planning to build where the weather is extreme...)

Here are some vacation home designs to get you thinking about what you would build.

Open and light-filledPlan 452-3, shown above -- layout is below. All the living is in one room -- only the bedroom and bathroom are enclosed -- and the porch is large enough for sitting and dining alfresco.

Outdoor Rooms. Plan 17-2450. Front wrap-around porch for sitting; rear grilling porch for cooking and dining. Use screened porches if insects are a problem.

Something different. Plan 479-6. A tower studio inspired by Forest Service Fire lookouts adds a touch of romance to put you in a vacation mood. The tower here was incorporated into the home.

Vacation Homes Inspiration

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